Dancing on the plaza as Triple Tree performs for Friday Night Concerts.

Triple Tree – Friday Night Concerts

Last Updated on December 25, 2022 by Curtis Pope

Friday Night Concert 2019

Triple Tree brings a positive message with their music!

Greg Gardea sings as the horn section hits their note when Triple Tree performs in Plaza Park, Chico, CA at Friday Night Concerts, 2021.
Triple Tree performs for in Plaza Park, Chico, CA at Friday Night Concerts, 2021..

Friday Night Concert 2021

Live reggae music during a pandemic. Live music, it’s back.

Triple Tree – 2019 Friday Night Concert

Triple Tree – 2021 Friday Night Concert

Triple Tree On Facebook

Ben Jureer on guitar as Triple Tree performs in Plaza Park, Chico, CA at Friday Night Concerts, 2021.
Ben Jureer – Plaza Park, August 2021

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