Dirty Cello – 2021 Friday Night Concert

Rebecca Roundman performs with her band Dirty Cello for Friday Night Concert, 2021

Rebecca Roundman CAN JAM!

Great music filled Plaza Park in late May when Dirty Cello performed at Friday Night Concerts. The San Francisco-Bay Area based band provided a treat for local music fans offering a different sound and genre than other shows in the long running downtown park music series. Dirty Cello is eclectic by design, with classically trained Rebecca Roundman performing on the cello and violin as the featured instruments. She shreds! The end.

A regular performer with various Bay Area symphonies, Roundman has crafted a norm-breaking bluegrass to blues-rock project that brings her instruments and music closer to the audience. As a casual observer, she seems equally driven for the quality of music and performance. It’s no wonder she is gaining fans everywhere she performs. And the pandemic has only driven Rebecca Roundman and her husband and band-mate, Jason Eckl to move their performances online. Dirty Cello, catch them when you can.

Last Updated on December 25, 2022

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